Babysitters: Germany 1

An au-pair, a babysitter or a nanny will take care of your child reliably throughout the whole day or just in the evenings, they will take children to their afternoon clubs, pick them up from pre-school or take care of them when they are sick. Choose from our list and contact a babysitter according to your requirements.: Germany, only helper profiles, at babysitter's place, non-smoker

Become a babysitter See job ads
  • T. Tamás
    • 54 years
    • 6+ years of experience
    2500.00 - 3000.00 Ft/hour
    Férfi, képzett, diplomás óvodapedagógus vállal 10+ éves elméleti és gyakorlati ismeretekkel gyermekfelügyelet vállal. Az óvodás, kisiskolás korosztállyal van a legtöbb tapasztalatom. Türelmes vagyok, feltalálom...